What Small Businesses Should Know About Influencer Selection

This research was conducted to explain and understand how packaging practices brand voice to develop SMEs and local brands to attract consumer interest. The method in this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, namely a focused method, involving interpretation and a natural approach to the subject matter. The social settings in the research conducted are micro influencers who contribute to the development of local brands and SMEs and have 

carried out brand voice in promotional media. Determination of informants using purposive sampling technique. The theory applied in this study is the Advertising Management Strategy Theory which is reviewed by 2 models  Model and Securities Hierarchy Model) and supported by Brand Voice Theory which acts as a bridge in this research process. The results 

of this study are that the development of small businesses in product promotion involves many strategies, one of which is the use of micro influencers. These people have followers with reach that can be used to promote brands. Micro influencers can help small businesses get the attention of potential customers by creating content relevant to their industry. The 

steps taken by these micro influencers

are clear evidence of the quantity and quality of endorsement actions on their social media which function as promotional media. Micro influencers help in increasing brand awareness by creating engaging and shareable content. Having partners helps SMEs capitalize on the trust and enthusiasm of their followers, which in turn increases brand awareness and drives salesThe data illustrates that SMEs carry out digital marketing using the services of micro 

influencers. Interactions between IT and consumers become a key component of marketing. (Thomas and Fowler., 2020). Other branding methods were found such as print media and word of mouth. There are differences in the techniques used by micro influencers in product branding. First, relying on the ability to serve as the main capital in collaborating with brands 

as evidenced by the existence of a portfolio as an assessment of flying hours. Communication, will affect the presentation of content, negotiation, and coordination regarding the marketing process. Branding carried out by SMEs is inseparable from the role of micro influencers who become digital supports in the marketing process. The affective 

stage is the  emotional stage

where consumers develop feelings and attitudes towards a brand or product. The affective stage involves consumers' emotional responses to brands, which can be influenced by their values, beliefs and personal experiences. At this stage, consumers evaluate how the brand or product makes them feel, and whether it aligns with their personal values and beliefs. There 

are 3 components that are in this stage. First, liking, influencers can help SMEs increase likes by creating content that resonates with their followers. This can be achieved by aligning the influencer's values and personality with those of the brand. By presenting the brand in a positive light, influencers can create a favorable brand impression in the minds of potential 

customers, Second, Preference, Influencers can help SMEs increase preference by creating content that showcases the brand's products or services in a positive light. The role of an influencer in improving the performance of SMEs is very important for business continuity. For profitoriented organizations, Using an influencer is very important, especially when many 

consumers are using social media

(Hodijah et al., 2021). This can be achieved by creating sponsored content that showcases a brand's unique features or benefits. By presenting the brand in a positive light, influencers can help potential customers develop brand preferences over competitors. Finally, Confidence, influencers can help SMEs increase confidence by providing positive feedback about the 

brand's product or service. This can help potential customers feel more confident about making a purchase from that brand. All of these components can be relevant to the studies that have been carried out. Positive relationships should always be emphasized both in communication. Responsiveness which aims to respond to all forms of complaints, reviews, 

and questions. In addition, friendly makes consumers feel closer. Where this uses an emotional approach. Micro influencers for SMEs in the marketing process involve and participate in social media by commenting, liking and sharing their content. This action is able to show brands that have invested in the partnership and care about the success of SMEs. 


Professionalism, namely doing according to theThe involvement of brand voices and micro influencers can play a significant role in the development of SMEs by increasing brand awareness, building credibility and reaching new audiences. Brand voice refers to the unique personality, tone and style of messaging that a brand uses to communicate with its audience. 

Brand voice has important role in business management. To identify brand voice before bilding brand identity, one of the key success factor for creating a good relation with audience was analyzing and presenting effective marketing mathods. (Cha, 2017). Developing a consistent and authentic brand voice can help SMEs differentiate themselves from 

competitors and connect with their target market. A strong brand voice can also help SMEs build brand loyalty and increase customer engagement. Micro influencers are individuals who have a relatively small following on social media platforms but a highly engaged and targeted audience. Collaborating with influencers can produce a big profits. First, stategic partnerships to reach audiences to reach more audiance that are difficult to acces through conventional


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